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Stay Alive!

Stay Alive

Hopefully what you’ve noticed in all this is a very important pattern: If you stay informed, you will stay alive! No. 1 killer of people in the next great pandemic will be, without question, ignorance of natural medicine. Those who don’t know about these natural anti-virals will literally die of ignorance, while those who understand the incredible healing power of Mother Nature’s medicine are far more likely to survive.

But it’s about more than survival: It’s also about independence. When you use natural medicine to boost your defenses, you are no longer dependant on doctors, hospitals and conventional medicine to provide you with medicine. So instead of being a victim to the military medical establishment (because the military will be involved in the distribution of vaccines, trust me…), you can instead remain independent and self-reliant.

It is this self-reliance that scares the power mongers who run our world. The last thing they want is citizens taking charge of their own health and refusing to function as slaves to Big Pharma.

I hope you found this report informative and valuable. Stay informed and you’ll stay alive during the next pandemic.


Nothing mentioned in this report has been scientifically proven to protect humans from H1N1 Influenza A. Then again, neither has Tamiflu or any vaccine in the world. In fact, nothing in this report will ever be proven effective against any particular viral strain, because doing so would immediately cause these products to be considered “drugs” by the FDA, thereby restricting them from public purchase.

The criminally-operated FDA, of course, continues to insist that all plants are biochemically inert! Any food, plant or natural medicine that has any biological effect whatsoever on the human body is considered illegal by the FDA, and such products are confiscated while the companies that produce them are destroyed by the FDA.

Thus, you won’t see the companies mentioned in this report talking about how effective their products are against influenza. That’s because they dare not tell you the truth without risking being run out of business by the FDA.

Always consult with a naturopathic physician before using any medicinal product. Exercise caution when using products for the first time, and pay attention to proper dosing recommendations.

Although the information presented in this report is believed to be accurate and true, neither myself, nor NaturalNews, nor its employees or managers shall be held responsible for any typographical errors, inaccuracies or other mistakes in this material. Furthermore, this information is provided AS-IS, with no warranty. The user of this information ASSUMES ALL RISKS from the use or misuse of this information.

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December 2, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | 2 Comments

Two-More Deadly Things!

Two-More Deadly Things Thing that can kill you: Lack of vitamin D

Virtually everyone living in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. is chronically deficient in Vitamin D. Those living in Australia are usually better off, as there’s more of a sunshine culture there, but even Aussies can find themselves vitamin D deficient if they live their lives indoors and don’t venture into the real world to catch some healthy rays.

Vitamin D deficiency is, without question, one of the primary causes of influenza susceptibility ( Having sufficient vitamin D circulating in your blood is one of the best defenses against infection (

Health authorities in the U.S. and other western nations are currently engaged in a campaign to keep the population vitamin D deficient. This is achieved by brainwashing people into thinking sunlight alone causes skin cancer. That’s a big medical lie, of course. Even theJournal of the National Cancer Institute has published scientific research showing that sunlight exposure reduces the risk of skin cancer (

The American Cancer Society, of course, spreads extremely dangerous disinformation about sunlight exposure, seeking to make sure that no ray of sun ever touches the skin of any person. This “darkness” campaign will soon be exposed as a death sentence for the People as the next pandemic takes the lives of those stupid enough to believe that moderate sunlight exposure is bad for their health.

In the next great pandemic, when the hospital beds are overflowing with the dead, and school gymnasiums are taken over as holding cells for the constant stream of incoming body bags, the dead will consist almost entirely of those who believed the lies of the American Cancer Society and the disinformation of the FDA and Big Pharma. This is one case in which misplaced faith in a corporate-controlled medical monstrosity can literally cost you your life.

Click the link below for a picture from the 1918 Spanish Flu that may give you some idea of what to expect during the next great pandemic:…

(What’s missing from this photo, of course, are the armed military personnel, toting automatic rifles, who will shoot any infected person who attempts to escape the facility.)

#5: Thing that can kill you: Antacid drugs like Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid

In a pandemic, use of these popular antacid drugs can actually lead to your death. How? A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concludes that these PPI drugs significantly increase the risk of deadly pneumonia.

Read the full story here:…

These acid-suppressing medications, it turns out, are linked to a 30 percent increase in the risk of acquired pneumonia. And if you’re suffering from something like the swine flu, pneumonia is the most common cause of death. It’s the secondary bacterial infections, after all, that killed most people in 1918, and that’s what’s likely to cause the greatest number of fatalities in the next great pandemic as well.

If you want to protect yourself from influenza, avoid taking antacid drugs (including over-the-counter antacids).

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Nutritional Concept, The Enterprise Center – HSBC Bldg., Makati City, Philippines 1200
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Please address your comments in English.
© 2009 – 2010 . All Rights Reserved.

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December 2, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

5-Things That Can Kill You!

Five Things That Can Kill You! Thing that can kill you: Arsenic

As revealed in a recent story on NaturalNews (, drinking well water contaminated with arsenic greatly increases susceptibility to H1N1 influenza infections. Arsenic is present in the water supply of tens of millions of people across the United States right now (now to mention the citizens of Canada, the UK, Australia and other countries). Low levels of arsenic are even “approved” by the EPA!

#2 Thing that can kill you: Antibiotics

Taking antibiotics before a swine flu infection greatly increases your risk of being killed by swine flu. How do we know that? Because antibiotics wipe out the friendly flora that have been scientifically proven to boost the body’s defenses against influenza (

This is why, during any pandemic, doctors must exercise extreme caution when handing out antibiotics. While antibiotics can be extremely helpful during the pneumonia phase of a viral infection (when bacteria invade the lungs), they can be deadly if given to patients too soon (during the pre-pneumonia phase).

In addition, there’s the whole concern over antibiotics abuse creating yet more dangerous superbugs in hospitals. Imagine the combination assault of a deadly new strain of the H1N1 influenza virus plus an antibiotic-resistant superbug sweeping through the hospitals of the world…

That’s a very dangerous combination indeed!

#3 Thing that can kill you: Lack of sleep

Getting fewer than six hours of sleep each night increases your risk of contracting colds (such as influenza) by a whopping 300 percent! Read more in this NaturalNews article:…

Eight hours of sleep each night will substantially boost your immune function, giving you the metabolic tools you need to fight off potentially deadly influenza infections.

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December 2, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Dumbing Down!

Dumbing Down!

Why health authorities want to dumb you down and keep you uninformed…??? the pro-pharma health authorities are really seeking is mandatory ignorance of herbs, foods and natural medicine. They want to cleanse the minds of the public from any knowledge of medicinal herbs. This “information cleansing” is much like ethnic cleansing — except they don’t kill you directly; they just wait for the influenza virus to kill you instead.

In the next great pandemic (which might only be months away), people will die from ignorance. They will die from misplaced trust in western medicine and government health authorities. They will die while waiting for that dose of Tamiflu that never arrives, even after receiving that Big Pharma influenza vaccine shot that doesn’t work.

People will die even while the very herbs that could save them are growing in their own back yards. Mere meters away from their death beds, Mother Nature is quietly manufacturing the natural antiviral medicines that can save lives and end suffering. Yet the FDA and the health industry trade groups have sought to disconnect people from the plants of the Earth; to dissuade people from growing their own medicine, and to strike fear into the minds of those who dare take responsibility for their own health (or survival).

As the editor of NaturalNews, I stand against that ignorance, against the chemical profit agenda of Big Pharma and against the vaccine profits reaped by drug companies at the expense of taxpayers.

I stand in favor of personal health freedom and personal responsibility; for connection with the astounding biodiversity found in our natural environment; for the embracing of natural medicine created by Mother Nature; and for the nutritional education of the People.

In the rest of this special report, you’ll find two lists: First, five things that CAUSE susceptibility to influenza infections, followed by the FIVE products I recommend as a defense against swine flu.

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December 2, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Big Pharma Profits!!!

Big Pharma Profits of natural anti-viral products is, of course, a huge threat to the profits of Big Pharma — an industry that just received a whoppingone billion dollars to make useless swine flu vaccines (…).

When I say “useless,” I mean that quite seriously. Vaccines are only useful against the specific viral strain that was available at the time of their manufacture. But influenza viruses mutate quickly, and as the WHO has already said, the real concern with H1N1 swine flu is that it will combine with seasonal flu in the Fall, creating a new, deadly strain that will of course be immune to all available vaccines.

Antiviral herbs suffer from no such limitations. Because they contain literally thousands of different medicinal compounds, they are able to attack viruses with a full spectrum of synergistic natural medicines. Thus, even mutating viruses find themselves unable to escape the multifaceted medicinal cocktail of antiviral plants.

That’s why this special report lists the top five anti-viral products I currently recommend. I have no financial relationships with any of these companies, nor do I earn any profits from the sale of these products. These are 100% independent recommendations offered under the Free Speech protections of the United States Constitution. I will not remove this article, and I will not be intimidated by health authorities wishing to see this information censored. The People have a right to know about natural medicine, and NaturalNews will continue to bring you this information regardless of the false authorities who attempt to deny the People the right to know this kind of information.

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December 2, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

12 steps to save Your Nation!!!

12 steps to save Your Nation!!!

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So how can we really save Your Nation with nutrition? It all starts with you and your family. Follow these 12 steps to unleash a new era of health and wellness in your own life:

Step 1) Stop rewarding manufacturers of processed foods, junk foods, sodas and pharmaceuticals. Simply refuse to buy their products.

Step 2) Greatly increase your purchases of fresh, organic produce. Get yourself a juicer (I like the Usana brand – Nutrimeal) and drink a fresh juice smoothie every day. Teach your children to eat more fresh produce.

Step 3) Supplement your diet with health-enhancing superfoods and nutritional supplements. You may wish to include nutrient-dense algae products like spirulina, blue-green algae, chlorella and astaxanthin.

Step 4) Greatly increase your intake of Omega-3 oils. I take Usana Nutritional Supplement – BiOmega as well as consuming wild salmon from time to time.

Step 5) Get a lot more sunshine: Your body (and your mind) needs sunlight. It generates the vitamin D that helps prevent cancer, depression, diabetes and heart disease.

Step 6)
Boost your physical exercise. Studies repeatedly show that even moderate exercise (walking 3 times a week, for example), has a drastic reduction on rates of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Step 7) Exercise your brain: Learn a new language, play strategy games, read books or do something active with your brain to keep all the neurons firing. This is all much easier when your brain is powered by superfoods, by the way.

Step 8) Avoid medications. Prescription drugs are poison. If you’re currently taking meds, work with a naturopathic physician to safely get off those meds and heal your body through nutrition (or other natural therapies).

Step 9) Avoid hospitals. A hospital is one of the most dangerous places you can go. They’re filled with antibiotic-resistant superbugs, for one thing. Your risk of being harmed at a hospital is much higher than what you might expect. Unless you’re suffering from an acute, dangerous condition requiring emergency medical care, make an effort to stay away from hospitals.

Step 10) Embrace your own natural healing potential! Recognize that your immune system is a technological miracle. Your body is a self-repairing biological marvel. When given the right resources (nutrition, superfoods, etc.), your body can work healing miracles.

Step 11) Thank yourself for taking the time to invest in your own good health by reading this report. Give yourself a healing reward such as a glass of fresh orange / carrot juice or a delicious superfood smoothie.

Step 12) Forward this site or this special report to 3 friends or more, family members or coworkers you know who might benefit from this information. Spread the word about nutrition and you’ll be taking part in a wave of healing that can sweep across our planet as people reawaken to the healing powers of plant-based nutrients. (The web address to forward to your friends is displayed below.)

Thank you for reading!

About the author: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, currently lives in Vilcabamba, Ecuador where he grows and consumes a large assortment of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables


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November 26, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Who profits from disease?

Who profits from disease? (And why they have to go…)


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Who profits from disease?

Of course, if you really want to create a healthy nation, you have to be prepared to see widespread job losses across the industries that currently profit from sickness and disease.

Those industries include the pharmaceutical industry, agriculture giants, junk food retailers and even the mainstream media. If America gets healthy with good nutrition, each of these industries would suffer considerable losses in jobs and revenues. They depend on disease for their very existence, of course, so eliminating (or greatly reducing) disease will have a devastating impact on them.

But that’s a good thing for America. Every job that treats disease is a job wasted from a big picture civilization point of view. Without disease, that worker could be doing something far more productive such as contributing to a brighter future as an educator, artist, engineer, writer or some other noble profession. It’s not that being a doctor or nurse isn’t noble (nursing, in particular, is quite a noble calling), but wouldn’t it be better for the economy as a whole if all the jobs focused on disease could be rendered obsolete by healthy people who don’t need such services? Under such a scenario, all the “disease jobs” could be shifted to something else (like researching renewable energy technologies, for example).

Unfortunately, every industry fights for survival in our economy, even if it only offers products or services based on sickness and disease. And for many of these industries, the real financial windfall only occurs when the population is kept in a state of ongoing chronic disease. A healthy population means disaster for these industries. Here are some of the big ones:

The Pharmaceutical Industry – Big Pharma would lose a fortune if the population got healthy with nutrition. It sells billions of dollars worth of drugs every year and depends on disease to sell them. All the pharmacies that retail those drugs would also go out of business: CVS, Walgreen, Wal-Mart, Safeway, etc.

The Medical Industry – All those hospitals, doctors’ offices and emergency rooms also depend on a steady stream of diseased, malnourished Americans to guarantee their job security and incomes. A drop in disease would mean the rapid downsizing of hospitals and clinics.

The Food & Agriculture Giants – The Big Food and Big Ag companies bet their profits on the continued purchasing of processed, nutritionally-depleted food and beverage products that directly contribute to degenerative disease. High-Fructose Corn Syrup, for example, is a very profitable ingredient to use in processed foods. Never mind the fact that it promotes diabetes and obesity… it’s cheaper than sugar!

The Mainstream Media – The MSM, meanwhile, depends on the advertising dollars of drug companies, soda companies and junk food companies to keep its own financial lifeline intact. If junk food and pharmaceutical advertising were both banned, the media would suffer enormous losses in ad revenues. It’s all those nutritionally worthless, disease-promoting products that keep the MSM in business! Remember, the MSM is in the business of “junk food news,” meaning they produce a “diet” of junk news for human consumption (

The Health Insurance Industry – This industry realizes huge financial gains from sickness and disease. The more people are sick, the higher the insurance premiums (and the more profit is mathematically built in). Furthermore, the more people get sick, the more they feel they need to buy insurance, so more disease inevitably leads to higher revenues across the health insurance industry.

Junk Food Retailers – This includes your local grocery store, by the way, which is stacked to the hilt with processed, disease-causing junk foods. It’s the same story with Costco or Sam’s Clubs. Wal-Mart and even local pharmacies are also chock full of disease-promoting junk foods that nutritionists know are linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, kidney stones, depression and many other problems. But selling junk food is big business and grocery stores aren’t about to restrict the products they sell just because they happen to promote disease. Pharmacies still sell cigarettes!

Disease Non-Profits – Never forget how much money is collected by the disease non-profit groups like the American Cancer Society. These “rich” non-profits depend entirely on the continuation of their sponsored disease in order to stay in power. In a world without cancer (to reference G. Edward Griffin’s book title), there’s no need for the ACS. Nor for the Susan Komen cancer group with all its ridiculous pink ribbons that pretend we can all cure cancer by going shopping. For every significant disease affecting the western world today, there’s an associated disease group depending on that disease for its own survival.

In all, these industries represent anywhere from one-quarter to one-half of the entire U.S. economy. Unleashing a wave of nutrition and health in America would therefore destroy a significant portion of the U.S. economy as currently configured. It would put rich, powerful corporations out of business and send hundreds of thousands of works out onto the streets to look for new jobs.

And yet, it’s still a good thing for America, because all that economic activity (focused on disease) is really a net LOSS to America, not a net gain. Economists don’t differentiate good from bad when it comes to GDP, but the truth is that every dollar spent treating someone’s disease is actually a dollar wasted on something that could have been prevented for a nickel’s worth of nutrition.

Nutrition is a good investment in America. Why spend dollars treating disease when you can spend nickels keeping people healthy? Putting the disease industry out of business is a good thing, because if sick-care isn’t getting much business, that means the People are getting healthier, happier and more productive. And that’s what keeps a nation strong and successful in the long run.




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November 26, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Creating a strong, healthy nation!

How to create a strong nation with healthy food…???


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Creating a strong, healthy nation

In order to sell more products, food and beverage companies have mastered the art of engineering food-like substances that exploit the hard-wired taste preferences of the human tongue. Humans can primarily taste sugar, salt and fat, and not coincidentally, those are the three primary things that food companies put into factory foods that are marketed to the public.

Food is fabricated specifically to be addictive, much like crack. And a surprisingly large portion of the population will always seek out such addictive, synthesized food tastes in much the same way that a heroin-addicted lab rat will keep pushing the drug lever to self-medicate with even more heroin. (This metaphor is eerily accurate when it comes to junk foods and human behavior…)

There are only really two ways to prevent such people from seeking out and consuming such foods:

Method #1) Educate people about junk foods and health so that they can make better-informed decisions about what to eat (or what to avoid). (The “Free Choice” approach.)

Method #2) Restrict access to junk foods to prevent people from making food consumption decisions that are not in their own best long-term interests (the “Nanny State” approach).

A nation that wishes to be strong and healthy must, in my opinion, pursue both of these methods. Here are some of the ways in which these goals can be pursued:

Method #1 – Educate People

• Teach real nutrition in public schools.

• Require doctors to learn the principles of nutrition and teach them to patients.

• Require all broadcast media outlets (cable, TV, radio, etc.) to dedicate some small percentage of their airtime to airing pro-nutrition public service announcements (as an exchange for the right to use FCC-regulated airwaves).

• Put very high taxes on all processed foods and junk foods, then use those tax dollars to fund public service announcements teaching consumers to avoid those foods. (I’m not a huge fan of using taxes in this way, but it’s one idea worth considering.)

• Tax the key ingredients used in processed foods such as high-fructose corn syrup or refined white sugar. Then use that money to fund pro-nutrition public service announcements.

• Require all food retailers to place public service educational booklets in or near aisles where food is purchased. Those booklets should provide honest information about the dangers of processed foods and chemical additives, including mentioning the diseases they cause: Cancer, diabetes, depression, etc.

• Require prominent food labels that warn consumers about the diseases caused by the particular ingredients used in processed foods. This is similar to the lung cancer warnings on cigarette packages. A box of sugary breakfast cereal, for example, should carry a large red warning label that reads, “WARNING: This product contains ingredients known to promote diabetes.”

Method #2 – Restrict access

Here are some ideas that could be pursued to restrict consumers’ access to disease-promoting foods:

• Ban ALL advertising of processed foods, factory-made foods or non-natural foods of any kind. This includes TV, radio, internet, sporting sponsorships, etc.

• Ban disease-promoting ingredients from the food supply altogether: High-fructose corn syrup, aspartame, MSG, trans fats, artificial colors, sodium nitrite, etc.

• Hit food retailers with draconian new food display laws that forbid junk foods from being displayed on end caps, near checkout counters, at eye-level on the shelves, etc. (I normally don’t go for “Draconian” anything, but this is one idea to be considered.)

• End government subsidies on corn and sugar, as these are the sources from which cheap, nutritionally-depleted foods are made.

• Place heavy taxes on food manufacturers for producing unhealthful foods and beverages. This will have the same effect as raising retail taxes on those items, but it’s easier to administer this tax at the manufacturer rather than at retail.

• Use tax money raised from taxing junk foods to subsidize fresh produce, thereby making fresh fruits and vegetables more affordable to American families. (Again, I’m generally against using the tax code in such ways, but it’s an idea worth debating.)





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November 26, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

What diet has your Nation chosen?


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What diet has America chosen?

It’s obvious from looking around any grocery store (or watching any TV broadcast) in America that the nation has chosen to pursue a disastrously bad diet. The vast majority of “food” products sold at grocery stores are manufactured, processed foods made with chemical additives, cooked at high heats that produce dangerous byproducts, and then packaged in toxic packaging materials like plastics containing BPA.

America is addicted to fast foods and junk foods. People eat to fill their bellies and entertain their tongues, not to nourish their minds and bodies. Food has devolved from something that nourishes the body to a chemically-altered sensory addiction fabricated in a factory somewhere.

So instead of food being medicine, it has become a source of disease. And America is paying a dear price for choosing this route. All the negative repercussions of choosing a bad diet are now coming true in America: Increased crime and chronic degenerative disease, reduced cognitive function and productivity, huge increases in health care costs, rising infertility, increases in birth defects and mysterious neurological disorders, and so on.

These negative consequences of a bad diet are causing the rapid erosion of America’s economy. Faced with the burden of carrying tens of millions of sick people who could otherwise be productive if they had chosen the path of nutrition, the U.S. economy is dragged down by the weight of sickness and disease. Its competitiveness is drastically reduced by the suppressed cognitive function caused by processed foods and chemical additives. Its education system has fallen far behind world standards, thanks in large part to the brain-slowing junk foods children are fed at home and at school.

The result? A nation that can’t compete. And that sets off a chain reaction of offshoring, downsizing, and job sector reconfigurations that see millions of U.S. jobs shifted overseas where workers offer higher productivity at lower costs… and where health care is a fraction of the price of the United States. Taiwan, for example, offers a nationwide, universal health care solution for just $21 per month (…).

In the U.S., the annual health insurance premium for a family of four is anywhere from $10,000 – $15,000, and that doesn’t even include out-of-pocket expenses for doctors’ visits, medications and deductibles. Poor nutrition has put America into a debtor’s prisonwhen it comes to health and medicine. All the diseases caused by the consumption of unhealthful foods have made American workers virtually unaffordable for global businesses due to outrageous health insurance costs.

All of this could have been prevented with a better diet for America. So let’s get to it!


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November 26, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Benefits of a good diet!!!

The benefits of a healthy diet (and why good nutrition is patriotic!)


Here are some of the many benefits that will be experienced by any nation pursuing a healthy diet:

Personal Health: With a healthy diet, degenerative disease rates plummet by as much as 90 percent. People live longer and happier, with far greater productivity. Disease industries go bankrupt as their customer base vanishes.

Health Care Costs: Health care costs plummet by 90%, saving the nation trillions of dollars in sick-care treatment costs. People who used to have jobs in the sick-care industry can now dedicate their professional efforts to something more useful to the economy.

Education: On a healthy diet, children are far easier to educate. Their minds work better, so grades go up, test scores improve, behavioral problems are reduced and the nation once again starts to compete with academic achievers from other nations.

Employment & Economy: A healthy, nutritionally-supported workforce is highly productive. With improved mental and physical health, people are easily able to find and keep productive jobs. Unemployment rates plummet. Employees’ increased productivity makes them more competitive from the point of view of employers, so fewer companies outsource jobs, effectively bringing more jobs back to the U.S. Remember: Employers want to hire healthy workers, but they tend to shun unhealthy workers.

Violent Crime: With increased job opportunities and improved mental health due to a good diet, violent crime rates plummet. Prisons become ghost towns as the prison industry suffers “downsizing.” Cities save money by needing fewer cops. Many people who might have been criminals while eating bad diets become job-holding, tax-paying citizens under a good diet. (This isn’t an oversimplification. Crime and nutritional deficiencies are strongly correlated. Check the medical literature to learn more…)

Happiness: A healthy population is a happy population.

Genetic Integrity: On a healthful diet, the genetic integrity of the population remains well-protected. So the genetic future of the population stays intact.

Economic Productivity: Economic productivity skyrockets. A healthy, productive workforce remains globally competitive while creating long-term job security.

World Leadership: With a healthy, productive and innovative workforce, the nation has a strong economy which translates into greater opportunities for world leadership. The nation has more influence over international trade, diplomacy, problem resolution, global resource allocation, and so on.

Democracy & Freedom: A healthy, happy and well-educated population can participate in Democracy in a thoughtful way. As a result, voters make wiser choices by assessing politicians for their skills and ideas rather than their TV presence. Democracy gets healthier as the voters apply critical thinking skills (and strong educational backgrounds) to their voting decisions. A healthy Democracy with intelligent voters helps create and protect a more free society.

As you can see, a good diet positively impacts virtually every area of importance to a nation, from the economy and happiness to freedom itself.

Every nation has a choice about what sort of diet it promotes to its People. What choice has YOUR nation chosen?





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November 26, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment