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The good diet – How nutrition can save?

NutritionCanSaveNation.jpg picture by mastermotz

The good diet…

Fortunately, there’s a solution to all this: Any nation that wishes to remain strong and successful must follow a “good” diet. What is a good diet?

• Consists primarily of fresh, unprocessed plants (fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) which can be made into a variety of delicious recipes (raw food chefs are especially good at this craft).

• Minimizes consumption of meat or animal products (including dairy).

• Avoids virtually all processed, manufactured foods and beverages, or only uses them sparingly.

• Consists of a wide variety of different foods so that phytonutrient diversity is high, providing consumers with a steady supply of plant-based medicine that prevents disease.

• Includes substantial time outdoors, in nature, where vitamin D can be created and stored in the body.

• Minimizes or eliminates all refined sugars and carbohydrates (like white flour).

• Eliminates GMOs from the food supply in order to avoid the health damage caused by GM foods.

• Minimizes consumption of foods sprayed with chemical pesticides or fungicides. This not only helps prevent disease caused by such chemicals; it also protects the environment from chemical contamination.

• Incorporates adequate hydration from clean water (while avoiding dubious liquids such as sodas and sports drinks).

• Includes nutritional supplementation to correct nutritional imbalances or deficiencies. (This can be accomplished through superfoods, food-based vitamins, etc.)

This diet, as you might guess, is rarely pursued by the average American consumer. Only highly health-conscious individuals even attempt such a diet, and it does require extra time, effort and money to make a reality. But the benefits are worth it. They can, in fact, save a nation from destruction!


AboutHuman BodyDegenerative DiseasesMultimedia

November 24, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Why pharmaceuticals make it all much worse…

The problem with medication…


NutritionCanSaveNation.jpg picture by mastermotz


As you can see, the problems caused by poor nutrition can literally destroy a nation. They reach into every area of society: The economy, education, health care, global competitiveness and even Democracy itself.

And yet, instead of treating these nutrition problems with a sound nutritional program, the United States of America has chosen toignore the problem and treat people with chemical prescription drugs.

This widespread use of prescription drugs to mask the symptoms of nutritional imbalances causes the following problems that further erode the strength of any nation:

Public Safety: Medicated drivers are unsafe drivers. In the United States today, as much as one-third of all traffic accidents involve medication-impaired drivers. Instead of being alert with the help of healthful foods, our drivers are mentally compromised by meds.

Impaired Cognitive Function: This impaired cognitive function continues at work, too, where medicated workers make mistakes, suffer reduced productivity and ultimately fail to perform to their full potential.

Deterioration of Democracy: Along with impaired cognitive function comes the inability to vote intelligently, causing voters to repeatedly elect disastrously unqualified representatives to Congress (and other offices). This, in turn, erodes the bedrock of Democracy as dishonest or unqualified politicians betray the future of the People for their own personal gain.

More Disease: Medications used to treat one disease today end up causing more diseases in the future (virtually all medications cause some level of liver and kidney damage, and many promote brain and heart damage at the same time). For example, common over-the-counter painkillers cause the deaths of several thousand Americans each year just from gastrointestinal bleeding (…).

Huge Increase in Health Care Costs: During all this, the monopoly pricing of medications causes health care costs to continue skyrocketing, further threatening the financial stability of the nation.

Environmental Destruction: After all those medications pass through the bodies of consumers, they end up in the sewage systems, where they are eventually dumped into rivers and other waterways. (Most drugs, such as HRT drugs, are not filtered out by water treatment systems.) These potent chemicals pose a huge threat to aquatic ecosystems and contribute to the destruction of coral reefs and ocean life.

Do you see where all this is heading? Higher costs and lower productivity. Increased rates of disease and decreased economic productivity. Environmental destruction. It’s not difficult to extrapolate this pattern and see where such a nation might be headed. The accelerating downfall of the United States of America is a textbook example of how a nation rapidly deteriorates under the influence of excessive medication and disease-promoting processed foods.


AboutHuman BodyDegenerative DiseasesMultimedia

November 24, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Poor food choices and consequences…

Junk food and consequences…


NutritionCanSaveNation.jpg picture by mastermotz

The diet previously described is a diet of death that delivers physical and mental impairment. Here’s an accounting of some of the major consequences of pursuing such a diet:

Personal Health: This diet causes rapid aging and the aggressive development of degenerative disease: Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. The population also remains highly susceptible to infectious disease.

Health Care Costs: In a nation that follows a bad diet, health care costs spiral out of control, eventually consuming a quarter (or more) of the GDP, driving the nation into bankruptcy.

Education: Growing up on this bad diet, children suffer severe cognitive impairment and are unable to learn in school. In time, academic achievement of the nation falls sharply, and the great “dumbing down” of the population accelerates.

Employment & Economy: A sick, diseased population is very expensive to maintain on the payrolls of Corporate America. Poisoned by processed food diets, workers suffer from repeated sick days and poor cognitive performance at work (inability to focus, failure to learn, failure to create new ideas, etc.), all of which make the workforce increasingly expensive for corporations to maintain. Not surprisingly, this causes yet a further shift of jobs to other nations where workers are more productive, healthier and less expensive.

Violent Crime: With their brains fueled by junk foods (and with failed education giving them few options for earning an honest living), more people turn to crime. In time, the prisons become filled with people incarcerated for behavior that could have been at least partially prevented with proper nutrition.

Happiness: With disease rates skyrocketing, violent crime on the rise, education failures rampant and health care costs bankrupting families, happiness plummets to all-time lows.

Genetic Integrity: As junk food consumption continues through multiple generations, the genetic integrity of the population erodes. Birth defects increase while fertility rates plummet. The population increasingly becomes haunted with unhealthy genetic mutations that promote yet more disease in future generations.

Economic Productivity: Poor nutrition leads to disastrous economic productivity. Powered by junk foods, the population becomes virtually useless as a workforce. Instead of producing new ideas, new products and new innovations that improve the world, people sit around eating Fritos and watching YouTube videos. Economic productivity plummets, and employers shift jobs to overseas markets where people often demonstrate much higher levels of productivity.

World Leadership: With its population falling behind the world academically and economically, the nation loses its leadership position on the world stage and begins to lose its leverage for maintaining the dominance of its currency.

Democracy & Freedom: When the voters subsist on a bad diet, their minds are clouded and child-like. They are easily manipulated to vote for politicians who are essentially “entertainers” — people who look good on TV but have no real ability to improve the long-term situation for the country. Voters on junk foods elect the very people who continue to drive the nation into disease and disaster.


AboutHuman BodyDegenerative DiseasesMultimedia

November 24, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment

Health – Top Food Preferences

Produces a secret ingredient Lycopene, which decreases the risk of breast, cervical, prostate and digestive tract Ca., decreases the risk of age related macular degeneration, the most freq. cause of blindness for Filipinos.

How do you prepare tomatoes? It is better absorbed when cooked also found n guavas, pakwan , suha, warning in those taking statins like lipitor, zocor etc don’t eat anything that has suha when you are taking these drugs because it produces muscular toxicity or degeneration of muscular tissues.

Oats – Oatmeal
Beta-glucan – a peptide that increases HDLand decreases hardening of the artery, serves as a spongy fiber that sweeps away bad cholesterol outside the body also produces Avenanthramides that prevent free radicals to destroy the body, decreases LDL – Decreases risk of CV diseases

– produces Omega 3. In the pacific Ocean, the big fish eat the smaller fish, the smaller fish eat the small fish and small fish eat algae which produces Omega 3 – decreases cholestesterol level

– also found in Tonsoy, tamban, tangigue, hala2, lapad, blue and yellow marlin

– Platelets are part of the blood responsible for clotting during injury, and sometimes they clamp together and stick to the walls of the artery.

– protects the brain cells from damage- prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

– produces glutein which prevents macular degeneration that causes blindness by 36%

– contains carotenoids to protect cataract

– contains Folic Acid that prevent Neural Tube Defect during pregnancy that’s why pregnant women are given Folic acid

– also contains Vit E- that prevent the release of homocysteine linked to heart disease

contains Sulfurane called Endol 3 carbonate – detoxify CA producing substances

Don’t cook well, make it crunchy or hard.

GARLIC – contains ALLELE SULFIDE that decreases Cholesterol and prevent the blood from sticking together, anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti malaria.

Pili, almonds, peanuts, pistachio,walnuts – contains good chol. – mono unsaturated , poly unsaturated FFA contains Vit E- a powerful anti oxidant that increases HDL contains Elagic acid –
causes apoptosis, makes CA cells to commit suicide or kill themselves guideline is to take a handful per day not more

LOMBOY – small but terrible containing anthocyanins, prevents CVD, CA, increase brain power. – tested in rats fed w/ blueberries after a month old rats were perfect in balancing logs more than
the younger ones, so if you want a good performance level in memory test .

November 16, 2009 Posted by | Blood | , , | Leave a comment